7, 2015
met with HJ last week, and were able to teach him the gospel. It was
actually a kind of unexpected lesson, so we weren't able to plan very well, but
we ended up talking about faith and read Alma 32 together. He said that
since he has been meeting with us, he's already felt like his faith has grown,
and he really likes the things we teach him. The ward played soccer on Saturday
with the neighboring branch, and he came with us to play, so that was really
good, the members love him. We extended a baptismal invitation last time
we met him, and he agreed to be baptized if he comes to know that the church is
true. Please pray for him to have that spiritual confirmation!!! :)
have 10 missionaries in our district: two elder teams and one sister team in
Gimhae, and one sister team and the zone leaders in Gupo, the neighboring area
that we played soccer with. Today for P day we went to a Buddhist temple in Haeundae
called "Yong-gung-sa." Most of the missionaries who are in Busan city
right now went, so it was really fun, I'll send you some pictures :)
past week we had zone conference, and President Barrow told us of a vision he
has for this mission, which is each team in the mission baptizing one person
every week. He said it's completely possible, when he served his mission,
he was in an area where there were over 50 baptisms in just a few months. He
talked about how when he was talking with the APs and zone leaders about how we
could accomplish it, the thing that they came up with was that we need to
increase our faith, so that is the focus for this transfer. We are doing
something called the "Faith Project," where they handed out a card to
each person that has a mustard seed on it, along with a list of scriptures
about faith. We're supposed to carry it with us and look at it every once
in a while. So that's what we're doing this transfer, it been really good
so far!
Yoon is super awesome, he's really funny, and a really hard worker. For
food, we just kind of switch off who makes the food and who does dishes, at
least on the days that we eat together. Sometimes because our schedules are
different we just eat separately. It's maybe half together half separate.
got a call last week from missionaries in a different area, asking us to
contact a person who lives in our area. They didn't even know if he
was a member or investigator or what, they just had a phone number for him, and
knew he was deaf, but besides that, they didn't know anything about him. So
we texted him, he gave us his address, and invited us over. On Saturday we went
out to find his house to visit him, but the address he gave us wasn't specific
enough. We texted him again asking for a more specific location, but he
never replied. While we were sitting there in the middle of town in a state of
confusion and slight irritation waiting for him to text us back, an old lady
with a walker came by and asked us to call her house for her since she was lost
and couldn't find it. I think she had Alzheimer's or something, but we
were able to help her get back. The guy never responded, so we just went
home, but we must have been led out there to be in the right place at the right
time to help her.
a wonderful week!
P Day visit to Buddist Temple - Yong-gung-sa |